377 резултати в рамките на място Бая Маре

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Бая Маре

Capital of Maramureș County, Transylvania, in north-western Romania

John II

National Archives, Cluj County Service

Johann Zápolya (prayer)

Fine Arts Museum Vienna

Stefan Bathory (1576-1586) (prayer)

Fine Arts Museum Vienna

Leopold I (1657-1705) (Prayer)

Fine Arts Museum Vienna

Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum - Budapest

Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism

Budapesti Önkéntes Tűzoltó-Testület

Central Museum of Disaster Management


Thorma János Museum - Kiskunhalas

Markusovszky Béla szerkesztő

Central Museum of Disaster Management

Markusovszky Béla szerkesztő

Central Museum of Disaster Management

Lengyel István

Holocaust Documentation Center and Memorial Collection Public Foundation - Budapest

Új Élet újság, nem látható a cikken a szerző neve

Holocaust Documentation Center and Memorial Collection Public Foundation - Budapest

Gelléri Miklós

Holocaust Documentation Center and Memorial Collection Public Foundation - Budapest

Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism

Pap Emil felelős szerkesztő

Central Museum of Disaster Management

Pastoral Office of the Lutheran Parish of Miskolc

Pastoral Office of the Lutheran Parish of Miskolc

Pastoral Office of the Lutheran Parish of Miskolc

Pastoral Office of the Lutheran Parish of Miskolc