Goddess of the Puerta del Sol. Iberian Oppidum of Puente Tablas (Jaén)
Very schematic three-dimensional sculpture of a female figure carved in limestone dated to the 5th century BC. It belongs to the culture of the Iberians and comes from the Puerta del Sol (Sun Gate) of the Puente Tablas oppidum in the municipality of Jaén, Spain.It has a preserved height of 110 cm, a width of 50 cm and a thickness of 35 cm.Representing a goddess of fertility, it is a roughly carved…
- Instituto de Arqueología Ibérica-Universidad de Jaén
- sculpture (visual works)
- Скулптура
- stone (worked rock)
- Instituto de Arqueología Ibérica-Universidad de Jaén
- sculpture (visual works)
- Скулптура
- stone (worked rock)
доставчик на данни
Междинен доставчик
Права за ползване на медиите в този обект (освен ако не е посочено друго)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
- Instituto de Arqueología Ibérica-Universidad de Jaén
- Iberian (Iberian peninsula, culture and style)
- 4th ct. BC
- Oppidum de Puente Tablas
е част от
- 5DCulture: updated
- Ruiz, A.; Molinos, M.; Fernández, R.; Pérez, M. y Rueda, C. (2015): "El Santuario de la Puerta del Sol", en Ruiz, A. y Molinos, M. (eds.): Jaén, tierra íbera. 40 años de investigación y transferencia. Universidad de Jaén. Jaén. 93-106.
- Ruiz, A.; Molinos, M.; Fernández, R.; Pérez, M. y Rueda, C. (2017): "El Santuario de la Puerta del Sol de Puente Tablas (Jaén)”, en Ruiz, A. y Molinos, M. (coords.): La dama, el príncipe, el héroe y la diosa. Catálogo de la exposición. Junta de Andalucía. 155-168.
- Proyecto Pastwomen: http://www.pastwomen.net/gb/index
Предоставяне на държава
- Spain
Име на колекцията
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- 2015-01-28T15:41:14.384Z
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