Archaeological excavation report, E3054 Roestown 1, County Meath.
The site at Roestown 1 was excavated by Archaeological Consultancy Services Ltd (ACS) as part of the M3 Clonee–North of Kells Motorway Scheme on behalf of Meath County Council, NRDO and the NRA. A spread of burnt mound material (7m by 6.2m) was exposed and excavated. Two troughs and one large circular pit were exposed beneath the spread; two Early Bronze Age dates for the troughs wer…
- Archaeological Consultancy Services Ltd
- National Roads Authority
- Transport Infrastructure Ireland
- Cagney, Lydia
- Ginn, Vicky
- Lydia Cagney
- Vicky Ginn
- National Roads Authority
- Transport Infrastructure Ireland
- Cagney, Lydia
- Ginn, Vicky
- National Roads Authority
- Transport Infrastructure Ireland
- archaeology
- dating (measuring)
- archaeological excavation report
- stratigraphic report
- specialist report
- Burnt mound
- Археология
Вид на обекта
- Text
- Archaeological Consultancy Services Ltd
- National Roads Authority
- Transport Infrastructure Ireland
- Cagney, Lydia
- Ginn, Vicky
- Lydia Cagney
- Vicky Ginn
- National Roads Authority
- Transport Infrastructure Ireland
- Cagney, Lydia
- Ginn, Vicky
- National Roads Authority
- Transport Infrastructure Ireland
- archaeology
- dating (measuring)
- archaeological excavation report
- stratigraphic report
- specialist report
- Burnt mound
- Археология
Вид на обекта
- Text
доставчик на данни
Права за ползване на медиите в този обект (освен ако не е посочено друго)
- Copyright and all related rights including moral rights in the reports and other documents provided by TII is owned by either TII or the authors of the individual reports. [Subject to the Disclaimer below,] you may use or print copies of, and reproduce content from, these reports for your personal use or for educational or other non-commercial purposes provided that the copyright ownership is acknowledged. You may also include extracts from these reports in works from which you expect to derive commercial benefit or profit, provided however that you obtain the written permission of TII to such use and that the copyright ownership is acknowledged. Please contact for further information in this regard. [Disclaimer: Your use of any reports or any other materials provided is at your own risk. TII hereby expressly disclaims any warranty or representation that it has the right to licence the reports and other documents provided. TII further disclaims any liability with respect to the content of any materials provided, including but not limited to any errors or omissions which may be contained in such materials, any intellectual property rights, or the disclosure of confidential information. ], Note 1: Some reports do not state ‘Final Report’ on the cover. However, until such time as a full and final report is available for a relevant site we are making alternative reports available. Note 2: In some cases more than 1 licence number may be included in a single report. Rónán Swan, Head of Archaeology & Heritage
Дата на създаване
- 2009-01
- Bronze Age
- Medieval
- Roestown
- #1544r387m
- text
- en
- eng
Предоставяне на държава
- Ireland
Име на колекцията
Публикуван за първи път в Europeana
- 2020-07-30T21:50:03.482Z
Последно актуализиран от предоставящата институция
- 2020-07-30T21:50:03.482Z