6 408 výsledků v rámci Organizace Istituto Opera del Vocabolario Italiano

Počet vrácených výsledků: 6 408

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Istituto Opera del Vocabolario Italiano

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary
Webové stránky

Brizio (Bruzio) Visconti; Antonio Beccari (from Ferrara); Butto di Firenze; …

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Bene hay; Giovanni Bonafedi; Cino da Pistoia; …

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Guitton of Arezzo

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Giovan Matteo di Meglio; Zeno from Pistoia; Bartolomeo da Castel della Pieve; …

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Antonio Beccari (from Ferrara); Benuccio Salimbeni; Bonichi Bindo; …

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Antonio Beccari (from Ferrara); Bartolomeo da Castel della Pieve; Bonichi Bindo; …

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Antonio Beccari (from Ferrara)

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Antonio Beccari (from Ferrara); Bindo di Cione; Brizio (Bruzio) Visconti; …

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Antonio Beccari (from Ferrara); Bindo di Cione; Giovanni del Orto; …

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Andrea da Perugia; Anselmo Calderoni; Antonio Beccari (from Ferrara); …

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Dante Alighieri; Guido Cavalcanti; Castle hunt

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Leonardo Aretino; Dante Alighieri; Lorenzo Moschi?; …

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Andrea Navagero; Cino da Pistoia; Dante Alighieri; …

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary


Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary


Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Ioannis Damasceni; Ioannes Damascenus

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary


Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Sextus Aurelius

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Matthaei Palmerii; Matthaeus Palmerius

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Ioannis Damasceni; Ioannes Damascenus

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Cyri; Cyrus

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Ambrosii Camaldulensis; Ambrosius Camaldulensis

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Caesaris; Caesar

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

Platonis; Plato

Opera Institute of the Italian Vocabulary

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