37 výsledků v rámci Osoba Francesco Zucco
Francesco Zucco
Italian painter 1570 –1627
National Library of the Czech Republic
Yves Valois
National Library of the Czech Republic
Complutense University of Madrid
Hermann Boerhaave
Complutense University of Madrid
Giovanni Maria Chiericato
Complutense University of Madrid
Alessandro Maineri
National Library of the Czech Republic
Benedikt XIV., papež,
National Library of the Czech Republic
Benedikt XIV., papež,
National Library of the Czech Republic
Benedikt XIV., papež,
National Library of the Czech Republic
Paulus Hieronymus a Sancta Helena
National Library of the Czech Republic
Battista Guarini; Giasone de Nores
National Library of the Czech Republic
Battista Guarini; Faustino Summo; Angelo Ingegneri
National Library of the Czech Republic
Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte Rom. Fotothek
Carlos Borromeo
Complutense University of Madrid
Filippo de. Violante
Complutense University of Madrid
Benedikt XIV., papež,
National Library of the Czech Republic