369 výsledků v rámci Osoba René Descartes

Počet vrácených výsledků: 369

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René Descartes

Francouzský filozof, matematik a fyzik

Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage

Baltazar Moncornet

Leipzig University Library

Leipzig University Library

Moliere; Jean Racine; Rene Descartes; …

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

René Descartes; René Descartes, (1596-1650); G.S. Râureanu,

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

Virtual Library of the Ministry of Defense

René Descartes

National Library of the Czech Republic

René Descartes

National Library of the Czech Republic

René Descartes; Agostino Scilla

National Library of the Czech Republic

Giovanni Poleni; Pierre Bouguer

National Library of the Czech Republic

René Descartes

National Library of the Czech Republic

Adrien Baillet

National Library of the Czech Republic

René Descartes

National Library of the Czech Republic

Aimé-Henri Paulian

National Library of the Czech Republic

Peter Schenk

Germanisches National Museum

Gerard Edelinck

Germanisches National Museum

Jacques Lubin

Berlin State Library

Lorieux, F. B.

Berlin State Library

Berlin State Library