249 výsledků v rámci Osoba Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal
Francouzský filozof, matematik, fyzik, spisovatel
Blaise Pascal; Blaise Pascal, (1623-1662)
Octavian Goga Cluj County Library
Blaise Pascal
National Library of the Czech Republic
Blaise Pascal
National Library of the Czech Republic
Blaise Pascal
National Library of the Czech Republic
Blaise Pascal
National Library of the Czech Republic
Blaise Pascal
National Library of the Czech Republic
Blaise Pascal
National Library of the Czech Republic
Blaise Pascal
National Library of the Czech Republic
Blaise Pascal
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments
Blaise Pascal
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Blaise Pascal
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford