výsledků v rámci
Capital city of Flemish Brabant, Belgium
Heidelberg University Library
Petrarch (1304-1374). Author of the text
National Library of France
Erasme (1469-1536). Author of the text
National Library of France
Driedo, Johannes (1480? -1535). Author of the text
National Library of France
Gemma Frisius (1508-1555). Author of the text
National Library of France
Pétrarque (1304-1374). Auteur du texte
National Library of France
Maynus de Maynis (129.-1368?). Auteur du texte
National Library of France
Nanninck, Pierre (1500-1557). Auteur du texte
National Library of France
Érasme (1469-1536). Auteur du texte; Isocrate (0435?-0338 av. J.-C.). Auteur du texte; Plutarque (0046?-0120?). Auteur du texte
National Library of France
Driedo, Johannes (1480?-1535). Auteur du texte
National Library of France
Gemma Frisius (1508-1555). Auteur du texte
National Library of France
National Library of France
National Library of France
National Library of France
National Library of France
resp_stt20140106462_1; Euthymius Zigabenus; Antonius Broickwy a Konygstein
National Library of the Czech Republic
Petr Lombardský pařížský biskup,; ola2002159438
National Library of the Czech Republic
Lev I., papež,; Hugues de Saint-Victor; Johannes Trithemius; …
National Library of the Czech Republic
ola2013762813; Jacobus Latomus; Albertus Pighius; …
National Library of the Czech Republic
Erycius Puteanus
National Library of the Czech Republic
Nicolas de Vernulz
National Library of the Czech Republic
Erycius Puteanus
National Library of the Czech Republic
Erycius Puteanus
National Library of the Czech Republic