
Portrætter af Ramon Casas i Carbó

Barcelona-kunstneren Ramon Casas i Carbó skitserede og malede stemningsfulde portrætter af intellektuelle, økonomiske og politiske personer i Barcelona, ​​Paris og Madrid omkring slutningen af det 19. og begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede.

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia

Casas, Ramón

National Museum of Art of Catalonia