De bello Gallico / Julius Caesar
border decoration, decorated initials
- Julius Cæsar
- Julius Cæsar
- historiography (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture (courtly)
- Reading culture
Type af genstand
- manuscripts (documents)
- illuminated manuscripts
- Illumineret manuskript
- Håndskrift
- parchment (animal material)
- Pergament
- Julius Cæsar
- Julius Cæsar
- historiography (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture (courtly)
- Reading culture
Type af genstand
- manuscripts (documents)
- illuminated manuscripts
- Illumineret manuskript
- Håndskrift
- parchment (animal material)
- Pergament
Mellemliggende udbyder
Rettigheder for medierne i denne optagelse (medmindre andet er angivet)
- 1385
- 14. århundrede
- 1385
- 14. århundrede
Nuværende placering
- Leiden University Library
- Bought at the auction at D. Haak, Leiden, from the library of M. Röver in 1806.
- Possibly made for Jean-Galeas Visconti, according to Lieftinck (1964).
- Visconti, Jean-Galeas
- Röver, Matthias, (1719-1803)
- Shelfmark: BPL 16 A
- 1 volume, 99 leaves
- 297x218 mm
- books
- Bog
- lat
- Latin
- lat
Er en del af
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Bibliotheca Publica Latina
Er refereret til
- Bollati 2004 = M. Bollati (ed.), Dizionario biografico dei miniatori Italiani. Milano 2004, p. 865
- Brown 1979 = V. Brown, 'Latin manuscripts of Caesar's Gallic war'. In: Palaeographica, diplomatica, archivistica. [Festschrift] G. Battelli. Roma 1979, vol. 1, p. 133
- Catalogus compendiarius 1932 = [H.P. Blok,] Catalogus compendiarius continens codices omnes manuscriptos qui in Bibliotheca Academiae Lugduno-Batavae asservantur. Vol. 1 (Leiden 1932), p. 98
- Geel 1852 = J. Geel, Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum qui inde ab anno 1741 bibliothecae Lugduno Batavae accesserunt. Leiden 1852, nr. 405
- Gumbert 1995 = J.P. Gumbert, '"Modern" layout in classical manuscripts'. In: C. Leonardi & al. (eds.), The classical tradition in the middle ages and the renaissance. Spoleto 1995, p. 23-32.
- Gumbert 2009 = J.P. Gumbert, Illustrated Inventory of Medieval Manuscripts. Vol. 2. Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek BPL (Hilversum 2009), nr. 1044
- Lieftinck 1964 = G.I. Lieftinck, Manuscrits datés conservés dans les Pays-Bas. Vol. 1. Les manuscrits d'origine étrangère, 816-c.1550 (Amsterdam 1964), nr. 157
- MMDC = Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections
- Molhuysen 1912 = P.C. Molhuysen, Codices Bibliothecae Publicae Latini. Leiden 1912, p. 11
- Pellegrin 1969 = E. Pellegrin, La bibliothèque des Visconti et des Sforzas, Supplement, avec 175 Planches. Florence/Paris 1969, p. 18
- 1385
Leverende land
- Netherlands
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