46 Ergebnisse innerhalb von Organisation Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art

46 Ergebnisse zurückgegeben

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Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art

Museum für Archéologie, Geschichte, angewandte- und schöne Kunst in Luxemburg


Jacqueline Reiter

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Angelika Bocian-Jaworska; Äerd Lab

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Jean Schaack (1895-1959)

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Jean-Baptiste Fresez (1800-1867)

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Alfred Manessier (1911-1993)

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Zens frères (actif entre 1874-1886 ; 1885-1908); Unbekanner Herstellerin

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Maria Theresia, Kaiserin von Österreich (1717-1780)

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Heinrich Roessler (1845-1924)

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Philipp von Brand

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Faïencerie de Sarreguemines

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg


National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Johann Jakob Behr; Lazzarino Cominazzo (activ 3. Viertel 17. Jahrhundert - 1er quart 18e siècle)

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Berthe Brincour (1879-1947)

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Dominique Lang (1874-1919)

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Edward Steichen (1879-1973); Mary Steichen Calderone (1904-1998)

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Marie-Thérèse Glaesener-Hartmann (1858-1923); Michel Jonas (1822-1884)

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Émile Gallé (1846-1904), Atelier von

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Anonyme; Frédéric Georges Prosper Baron de Blochausen (1802-1886)

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Ferdinand II. von Aragonien (1452-1516); Isabella I. von Kastilien (1451-1504)

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Feuerwehr Biwer

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

Zens frères (actif entre 1874-1886 ; 1885-1908); Manufacture de porcelaine de Limoges

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg

National Museum of Archaeology, History and Art Luxembourg