50 Ergebnisse innerhalb von Person Minnie Nast

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Minnie Nast

Deutsche Opernsängerin

Odeon Record; Puccini, Giacomo; Eduard Künneke

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Odeon Record; Richard Strauss; Hofmannsthal, Hugo von; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Concert Record; Götze, Karl

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Concert Record

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Monarch Record; Bizet, Georges; Destinnová, Ema; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gounod, Charles

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Deutsche Grammophon; Meyerbeer, Giacomo

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gounod, Charles

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Pathé Frères Phonograph Company; Puccini, Giacomo; Giacosa, Giuseppe; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Deutsche Grammophon; Richard Strauss; Hofmannsthal, Hugo von; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gounod, Charles

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

The Gramophone Name nach Vorlage: The Gramophone Company, Limited, and Sister Companies; Gramophone Concert Record; Bizet, Georges; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Monarch Record; Puccini, Giacomo

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Monarch Record; Puccini, Giacomo; Giacosa, Giuseppe; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Concert Record; Gounod, Charles

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Monarch Record; Bizet, Georges

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Deutsche Grammophon-Aktiengesellschaft; Richard Strauss; Hofmannsthal, Hugo von; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Concert Record; Puccini, Giacomo

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Odeon Record; Eduard Künneke

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Deutsche Grammophon

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

The Gramophone Name nach Vorlage: The Gramophone Company, Limited, and Sister Companies; Gramophone Concert Record; Bizet, Georges; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Deutsche Grammophon-Aktiengesellschaft; Richard Strauss; Plaschke- von der Osten, Eva

Saxon State and University Library Dresden