33 Ergebnisse innerhalb von Person Pol Plançon

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Pol Plançon

Französischer Opernsänger (Bass)

Gramophone Monarch Record; Meyerbeer, Giacomo; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Hector Berlioz; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gounod, Charles; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Hector Berlioz; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Monarch Record; Georges, Alexandre; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gounod, Charles; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Victor Record; Gounod, Charles; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Monarch Record; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Monarch Record; Flégier, Ange; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Hector Berlioz; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Berliner Gramophone Company; Gounod, Charles; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Victor; Meyerbeer, Giacomo; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Concert Record; Fauré, Jean-Baptiste; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Bizet, Georges; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Victor; Rossini, Gioachino; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Victrola [Musterplatte]; Haydn, Joseph; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Victor Record; Thomas, Ambroise; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Monarch Record; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Concert Record; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Monarch Record; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gounod, Charles; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Victor Record; Massenet, Jules; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Victrola; Bizet, Georges; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Victor Record; Gounod, Charles; Plançon, Pol

Saxon State and University Library Dresden