Stjórn etc.
Stjórn etc.
- 1350-1399
- 1400-1499
- 1360-1370
- 1450-1499
- 1350-1360
- 1500-1515
- 1708
- …
- 1708
- 1500/1515
- 1350/1360
- parchment
- Pergament
- 1350-1399
- 1400-1499
- 1360-1370
- 1450-1499
- 1350-1360
- 1500-1515
- 1708
- …
- 1708
- 1500/1515
- 1350/1360
- parchment
- Pergament
Rechtehinweise der Medien in diesem Datensatz (sofern nicht anders angegeben)
- fifteenth
- early sixteenth century
- Written in IcelandKristian Kålund62-69fifteenth centuryKatalogI182 More recent research divides the manuscript in three different parts which need to be dated separately: Fols 1ra-61vbc. 1360-70Guðmundur ÞorlákssonGyðinga saga, 1881ixStefán KarlssonSagas of Icelandic Bishops21 Fols 62ra-69vbc. 1450-1500Ian J. KirbyBible Translation in Old Norse56 Fols 70ra-178rbc. 1350-60Kirsten WolfGyðinga saga 1986xvii
- fifteenth century
- c. 1360-70
- c. 1450-1500
- c. 1350-60
- 1350~/1360~
- 1450~/1500~
- 1360~/1370~
Aktueller Standort
- København
- The history of the manuscript cannot be traced with certainty further back than to the lögmaðurGísli Þórðarson1545-1619158vGÿslle Þordar son á þesa bok.
- How the codex was passed from Gísli to its next owners, a family in MunkaþveráWolfMagnús Björnsson1595-1662lögmaðurÁrni MagnússonAM 435 a 4to3vBjörn Magnússon1623-97Eggert BiörnssonSkarð1612-81 Magnus Björnsson ætladi Biörn
- According to the slip written by Bishop Þórður Þorláksson (Thorlacius)1637-973vAM 435 a 4tolögmaður1595-1662Gísli1621-961623-97sýslumenn
- Gísli then gave the manuscript to his son-in-law, Thorlacius, who gave it to his son, Þorlákur Þórðarson1675-97Brynjólfur Þórðarson1681-1762
- In AM 435 a 4to1v-3v Historia Biblica veteris Testamenti, Stiorn.ogn Her hefr upp prologum ept eryrironunetogusnognn Her hefr upp oc segir fra Tirus k onunogogprestriskuonunnenieunnnn
- AM 226 fol.
- 290 x 377
- codex
- Kodex
- is
- isl
Wird referenziert von
- Fett, Miniatyrer fra islandske Haandskrifter. 24.
- Fett, Noregs Malerkunst i Middelalderen. 179-180.
- Hallberg, Några språkdrag. 234, 236, 245.
- Halldór Hermannsson, Icelandic Illuminated Manuscripts. 12-18 and plates 2-3, a-b and 24-29. Colour facsimiles of the initials on fols bl. 22ra, 12rb, 34va and 79rb; Plates 2-3, a-b. Black and white facsimiles of the initials on fols 1va, 30va, 88ra, 81va, 96va, 110ra, 70ra, 129ra, 11ra, 74ra; Plates 24-29.
- Jón Helgason, Alexanders saga. v-vi, xx-xxix.
- Kirby, Bible Translation in Old Norse. 56.
- Konráð Gíslason, Um frumparta. ix-xi.
- Kålund, Katalog. I. 182-183.
- Kålund, Palæografisk atlas. xi.
- Liepe, Studies in Icelandic Fourteenth Century Book Painting. 7, 25, 39, 75, 78, 80, 88, 89, 92, 94, 103, 111, 112, 120, 122-24, 134, 135, 137, 143, 146, 147, 150, 158, 159, 162, 163, 169, 170, 171, 177. Figs. 41-46, 69, 82.
- …
- 1708
Bereitstellendes Land
- Czech Republic
Name der Sammlung
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- 2022-06-15T12:02:02.763Z
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- Sva seg
- Daríus hef
- Alexandr hin