αποτελέσματα εντός
Ποτέντσα Πιτσένα
Ποτέντσα Πιτσένα
Ιταλικός δήμος στην Επαρχία της Ματσεράτα
K.u.k. Kriegspressequartier, Lichtbildstelle - Wien
Austrian National Library
K.u.k. Kriegspressequartier, Lichtbildstelle - Wien
Austrian National Library
K.u.k. Kriegspressequartier, Lichtbildstelle - Wien
Austrian National Library
K.u.k. Kriegspressequartier, Lichtbildstelle - Wien
Austrian National Library
K.u.k. Kriegspressequartier, Lichtbildstelle - Wien
Austrian National Library
K.u.k. Kriegspressequartier, Lichtbildstelle - Wien
Austrian National Library
K.u.k. Kriegspressequartier, Lichtbildstelle - Wien
Austrian National Library
K.u.k. Kriegspressequartier, Lichtbildstelle - Wien
Austrian National Library
K.u.k. Kriegspressequartier, Lichtbildstelle - Wien
Austrian National Library
Historical Archive of the Presidency of the Republic
Central Museum of the Risorgimento in Rome
Central Museum of the Risorgimento in Rome
Central Museum of the Risorgimento in Rome
Central Museum of the Risorgimento in Rome
Central Museum of the Risorgimento in Rome
Central Museum of the Risorgimento in Rome
Central Museum of the Risorgimento in Rome
Central Museum of the Risorgimento in Rome
Central Museum of the Risorgimento in Rome
Central Museum of the Risorgimento in Rome
Central Museum of the Risorgimento in Rome
Cinecittà - Luce
Historical Archive of the Presidency of the Republic