αποτελέσματα εντός
Artwork created with collage technique
Λαζόγκας, Γιώργος (1945-2022)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μυλωνά, Άλεξ (1920-2016)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Μαρκογιάννης, Κωνσταντίνος (1977)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Popova, Liubov (1889-1924)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Klucis, Gustav (1895-1938)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Klucis, Gustav (1895-1938)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Klucis, Gustav (1895-1938)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Popova, Liubov (1889-1924)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Popova, Liubov (1889-1924)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Popova, Liubov (1889-1924)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Popova, Liubov (1889-1924)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Τριανταφύλλου, Νίκος (1959)
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus