148 results within Person Ernest Legouvé

148 results returned

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Ernest Legouvé

French dramatist

Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage

Ernest Legouvé

Bucharest Metropolitan Library

Scribe, Eugène

Rhône-Alpes Laboratory for Historical Research

Scribe, Eugène

Rhône-Alpes Laboratory for Historical Research

Ollivier, Daniel. Author of the text; Geffroy, Edmond. Author of letters; From Gubernatis, Sophie Besabrasoff. Author of letters; …

National Library of France

Dinaux, Prosper

Bavarian State Library

Eugène Scribe

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

Scribe, Eugène

Bavarian State Library

Scribe, Eugène

Bavarian State Library

Ernest Legouvé

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

Legouvé; Feleky Miklós (ford.); Dálnoky Lajos

Békés County Library

Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826

National Library of Spain