1,284 results within Person Walter Van Beirendonck

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Walter Van Beirendonck

Belgian fashion designer

Van Beirendonck, Walter (Designer)

Modemuseum Hasselt

Van Beirendonck Walter; Van Beirendonck, Walter (Designer)

Fashion Museum of Antwerp

Walter Van Beirendonck (Designer)

Fashion Museum of Antwerp

Walter Van Beirendonck (Designer)

Fashion Museum of Antwerp

Walter Van Beirendonck (Designer); Ellen Machiels (Photographer)

Fashion Museum of Antwerp

Walter Van Beirendonck (Designer); Ellen Machiels (Photographer)

Fashion Museum of Antwerp

Walter Van Beirendonck (Designer); Ellen Machiels (Photographer)

Fashion Museum of Antwerp

Judith Clark

Fashion Museum of Antwerp

Ulrike Tschabitzer; Christian Muhr

Fashion Museum of Antwerp

Walter Van Beirendonck (Designer)

Fashion Museum of Antwerp

Walter Van Beirendonck (Designer)

Fashion Museum of Antwerp

Walter Van Beirendonck (Designer)

Fashion Museum of Antwerp

Walter Van Beirendonck (Designer)

Fashion Museum of Antwerp

Walter Van Beirendonck (Designer)

Fashion Museum of Antwerp