303 results within Place Le Détroit

303 results returned

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Le Détroit

Commune in Calvados, France

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Ternstedt Manufacturing Division

Swedish Air Force Museum

Ternstedt Manufacturing Division

Swedish Air Force Museum

Bailey, Vernon, 1864-1942

Smithsonian Institution Archives

D.M. Ferry & Co.

New York Botanical Garden

Lohrman Seed Co.

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Smith-Fleming Dahlia Gardens.

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Lohrman Seed Company.

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Ferry-Morse Seed Company.

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Ferry-Morse Seed Company.

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Lohrman Seed Company.

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Upton Nursery Company.

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Ferry-Morse Seed Company.

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Hebden H. Corsan (Firm : Hillsdale, Mich.)

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Farwell, Oliver Atkins, 1867-1944

New York Botanical Garden

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Cinecittà - Luce

Balla Ödön

Holocaust Documentation Center and Memorial Collection Public Foundation - Budapest