1,575 results within Topic Pebble

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Clast of rock (between 4–64 mm in diameter according to Wentworth-Udden scale)

Lübeck, Oswald (Herstellung) (Fotograf)

Deutsche Fotothek

Lübeck, Oswald (Herstellung) (Fotograf)

Deutsche Fotothek

Möbius, Walter (Herstellung) (Fotograf)

Deutsche Fotothek

Ackerman, Zeev

National Library of Israel

Ackerman, Zeev

National Library of Israel

Hance, Henry Fletcher (writer); Crépin, François (recipient)

Meise Botanic Garden

Hance, Henry Fletcher (writer); Crépin, François (recipient)

Meise Botanic Garden

Osbeck, Pehr, 1723-1805

New York Botanical Garden

Billardon-Sauvigny, Edme, 1736-1812

Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library

Wallace, Harold Frank, 1881-

American Museum of Natural History Library

Chen, Huanyong, 1890-1971

Noranda Earth Sciences Library