158 results within Topic Vita

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Literary genre

Kuyavian-Pomeranian Digital Library

ALEXANDER III, Dad. Author of the text; AUGUSTINUS HIPPONENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; BEAUFORT (Nicolas de). Author of the text; …

National Library of France

National Library of France

ALCUINUS. Author of the text; AMBROSIUS MEDIOLANENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; AUGUSTINUS HIPPONENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; …

National Library of France

ALCUINUS. Author of the text; AMBROSIUS MEDIOLANENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; AUGUSTINUS HIPPONENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; …

National Library of France

Albuinus. Author of the text; Aristoteles. Author of the text

National Library of France

S. Hieronymus. Author of the text; HIERONYMUS (s.). Author of the text

National Library of France

Gregorius Turonensis (saint; 0538-0594). Author of the text; ADSO DERVENSIS abbas. Author of the text; AUGUSTINUS HIPPONENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; …

National Library of France

AUGUSTINUS HIPPONENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; AUSONIUS (Decimus Magnus Ausonius). Author of the text; CAESARIUS ARELATENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; …

National Library of France

AMBROSIUS MEDIOLANENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; AUGUSTINUS HIPPONENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; CRESCONIUS. Author of the text; …

National Library of France

AMBROSIUS MEDIOLANENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; AUGUSTINUS HIPPONENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; BERNARDUS CLARAEVALLENSIS (s.). Author of the text; …

National Library of France

Flavius Josephus. Author of the text

National Library of France

National Library of France

Eusebius Gallicanus. Author of the text; Eberwinus. Author of the text; AUGUSTINUS (s.). Author of the text; …

National Library of France

S. Isidorus Hispalensis. Author of the text; Hincmarus Remensis. Author of the text; Hilduinus. Author of the text; …

National Library of France


National Library of France

Eustathius. Author of the text; S. Benedictus. Author of the text; Grimlaicus. Author of the text; …

National Library of France

ABDIAS. Author of the text; AUGUSTINUS HIPPONENSIS ep. (s). Author of the text; BALDRICUS DOLENSIS ep. Author of the text; …

National Library of France

FORTUNATUS (s. Venantius), ep. Pictavensis. Auteur du texte

National Library of France

AMBROSIUS AUTPERTUS (s.). Auteur du texte; AMBROSIUS MEDIOLANENSIS ep. (s.). Auteur du texte; ANACLETUS I, papa (s.). Auteur du texte; …

National Library of France