1,835 results within Topic Fable

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Short fictional story that often anthropomorphises non-humans to illustrate a moral lesson

Mallery, Karel van, (1571-approximately 1635), (printmaker)

Leiden University Libraries

Mallery, Karel van, (1571-approximately 1635), (printmaker)

Leiden University Libraries

Grigorie Alexandrescu; Grigore Alexandrescu (1810-1885)

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

G. Sion; Gheorghe Sion, (scriitor) (1822-1892) [autor]

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

Mircea Dimitriade

Bucharest Metropolitan Library

Gr. M. Alecsandescu; Grigore Alexandrescu (1810-1885)

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

trad. de Al. Graur

National Library of Romania

National Library of Romania

Grigore Alexandrescu; Grigore Alexandrescu (1810-1885); Ion Pillat, (1891-1945) [editor]

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

trad. de Al. Graur

National Library of Romania

de George Sion; Gheorghe Sion, (scriitor) (1822-1892)

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

Laurențiu Ulici; Laurențiu Ulici (1943-2000)

Costache Sturza Library

Dimitrie Bolintineanu, (1819?-1872); Paul I. Papadopol, (1892-1953); Jean de La Fontaine, (1621-1695)

National Library of Romania

Constanța N. Eremie

Bucharest Metropolitan Library

N.M. Nigrim; Nicolae Mihăescu-Nigrim, (1871-1951)

National Library of Romania

B. Brănișteanu; B. Brănișteanu, (1874-1947)

National Library of Romania


Brukenthal National Museum

Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company

Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company

Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company

Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company

Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company

Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company

Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company