Take a more student-centred approach to teaching

Learning scenarios about PBL

D&I, PBL - Secondary Education

Cooperative learning, PBL, Philosophy - Lower Secondary Education

CLIL, D&I, Well-being, PBL, STEAM - Primary education, Lower Secondary Education, Non-formal

Language, PBL - Early childhood, Primary education

CLIL, Cooperative learning, Cultural awareness, Environment, Game Based Learning, IBSE, PBL, STEAM - Primary education

Art, English - Upper secondary, Vocational educational training

History, STEAM - Lower secondary

Art, Geography, Language - Primary school

English, STEAM - Lower secondary

Geography, History, Language - Secondary school, Upper secondary

Lower secondary, Primary school, Secondary school

Art, History - Lower secondary

Art, English - Lower secondary, Upper secondary

English, STEAM - Lower secondary

English, Language subjects - Secondary school

Art, Language subjects, STEAM - Secondary school

English, Language subjects - Primary school

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Learning scenarios about IBSE

Citizenship, Digital literacy, Entrepreneurship, Environment, History, IBSE - Non-formal, Upper Secondary Education

Art, English, History - Upper secondary

English - Lower secondary, Upper secondary

STEAM - Lower secondary, Upper secondary

Tangram: an Ancient Educational Material

Art, English, History, STEAM - Primary school

Art, English, History, STEAM - Lower secondary

STEAM - Upper secondary and Lower secondary

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