Biserica Evanghelică Parohială Sfânta Maria
Catedrala Evanghelică din Sibiu este un edificiu religios în stil gotic, format dintr-un cor poligonal, transept, trei nave (nava centrală și 2 nave laterale) la care se adaugă turnul și ferula. Construcția bisericii a început cel mai probabil în secolul al XIV-lea.
This item is provided and maintained by
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
View on the providing institution's website
(opens in new window)
- churches (buildings)
- cathedrals (works by context)
- Gothic (Medieval)
- basilicas (works by form)
- monumentos históricos
- Gothic art
- Bronze
- Cathedral
- Basilica
- Church building
Type of item
- postcards
- Postcard
- churches (buildings)
- cathedrals (works by context)
- Gothic (Medieval)
- basilicas (works by form)
- monumentos históricos
- Gothic art
- Bronze
- Cathedral
- Basilica
- Church building
Type of item
- postcards
- Postcard
Providing institution
- National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- Epoca medievală (1350 - 1520)
- Municipiul Sibiu
- Piața Albert Huet nr. 1
- Sibiu
- Transylvania
- Romania
- Sibiu
- Sibiu
- Romania
- Sibiu County
- INP-postcards#12519
Providing country
- Romania
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2024-08-01T14:28:05.419Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2024-08-12T10:54:22.776Z