Dimokratia [Democracy]
Monthly magazine published by the Free Greeks
- Στρατής Αστράτευτος, Ρεπορτάζ από την Αθήνα
- Το χρυσάφι του Παπαδόπουλου
- Οι "Λόφοι του Σωτήρος"
- Νέο όργιο απολύσεων
- Ο Λαδάς "μουσικοκριτικός" κ.λ.π.
- Μήνυμα του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη
- Ι. Ζίγδης, Να εγκαταλέιψουν την εξουσία
- Γ. Βουκελάτος, Για την απελευθέρωση των πολιτικών κρατουμένων
- Β. Ραγκούση, Φασκόμηλο από την... Αλβανία
- Εάν ήμουν δικτάτωρ...
- Ο "αρχιεπίσκο…
- Greek political prisoners
- Dictatorship of 21 April 1967 / Propaganda
- Democratic Defence (DA)
- Anti-dictatorship press abroad
- Political cartoon
- Voukelatos Giorgos
- Political persecutions
- Theodorakis Mikis
- Dictatorship of 21 April 1967 / Censorship
- Dictatorship of 21 April 1967
- …
- Migrants
- Torture
- International solidarity
- Anti - dictatorship struggle
- Germany
- Caricature
- Oppression
- Economics
- Foreign policy
- Politicians
Type of item
- Journal
- Periodical
- Periodical
- Greek political prisoners
- Dictatorship of 21 April 1967 / Propaganda
- Democratic Defence (DA)
- Anti-dictatorship press abroad
- Political cartoon
- Voukelatos Giorgos
- Political persecutions
- Theodorakis Mikis
- Dictatorship of 21 April 1967 / Censorship
- Dictatorship of 21 April 1967
- …
- Migrants
- Torture
- International solidarity
- Anti - dictatorship struggle
- Germany
- Caricature
- Oppression
- Economics
- Foreign policy
- Politicians
Type of item
- Journal
- Periodical
- Periodical
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Issue date
- 02/1970
- 1970-02
- Military junta
- Α.Π.12594.1970.00037
- 37
- https://www.searchculture.gr/aggregator/edm/dig_ASKI/000171-103659
- gre
- ell
- Theodorakis Mikis
- Ieronymos, Archbishop of Athens
- Voukelatos Giorgos
- Ladas Ioannis
- Angelidis Asteris
- Zigdis Ioannis
Providing country
- Greece
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2024-11-18T17:15:38.105Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2024-11-18T17:15:38.105Z