Daugavas labā krasta zemes dambja un ūdens ieteču joslas izbūve augšpus Ķeguma spēkstacijas ēkas. 1938.gada 12.maijs
Construction of the earth dam and the approach channel on the right bank of the river Daugava upstream of the Kegums power house. 12 May 1938
From 1936 until 1940, the remarkable Latvian cameraman and photographer E. Kraucs (1898 – 1977) regularly, 1 – 2 times a week, photographically documented the construction of the Kegums power plant.
The Kegums power plant is the largest power industry object of the first half of the 20th century in the Baltics and northern Europe – a unique engineering-technical building. The technological solutio…
- Latvian Museum of Energy
- Kraucs, Eduards Rihards, 1898-1977
- Fotogrāfijas
- Fotogrāfi -- Latvija
- Kraucs, Eduards Rihards, 1898-1977
- Ķeguma hidroelektrostacija
- Hidroelektrostacijas -- Projektēšana un celtniecība -- Latvija
- Enerģētika -- Latvija
- Elektrība -- Vēsture
- Daugava, upe
- Ķeguma HES ūdenskrātuve (Latvija)
Type of item
- Photo
- Latvian Museum of Energy
- Kraucs, Eduards Rihards, 1898-1977
- Fotogrāfijas
- Fotogrāfi -- Latvija
- Kraucs, Eduards Rihards, 1898-1977
- Ķeguma hidroelektrostacija
- Hidroelektrostacijas -- Projektēšana un celtniecība -- Latvija
- Enerģētika -- Latvija
- Elektrība -- Vēsture
- Daugava, upe
- Ķeguma HES ūdenskrātuve (Latvija)
Type of item
- Photo
Providing institution
Intermediate provider
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Creation date
- 1938-05-12
- 1938-05-12
- 53439
- 1 negatīvs uz stikla pamatnes
- 1 fotogrāfija
- 13 x 19 cm
- lv
- lav
Providing country
- Latvia
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2019-09-23T16:32:31.770Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2023-11-13T09:59:56.582Z