Danish Legal Manuscript
Valdemar's Provincial Law of Sjælland and the Church Law of Sjælland with the Preface to the Provincial Law of Jutland
- Medieval (European)
- reading culture
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture
- 1290-1310
- 1300
- 1400-1499
- 1989-09
- 1990-12-06
- 1990-12-06
- 1989-09
- 1400/1499
- 1300
- 1290/1310
- parchment
- Parchment
- Medieval (European)
- reading culture
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture
- 1290-1310
- 1300
- 1400-1499
- 1989-09
- 1990-12-06
- 1990-12-06
- 1989-09
- 1400/1499
- 1300
- 1290/1310
- parchment
- Parchment
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Creation date
- c. 1300
- c. 1300
- fifteenth century
- The manuscript was written in DenmarkSorø monasterySjællandc. 1300
- September 1989
- 6 December 1990.
- 1990-12-06
- 1300~
- 1300~
- 1990-12-06
- 1989-09
Current location
- København
- AM 455 12mo
- http://www.manuscriptorium.com/object/KU____AM_455_12MO_1E2PFO1
- 82 x 106
- codex
- Codex
- mul
- la
- da
- dan
- lat
- mul
Is part of
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
Is referenced by
- Kolderup-Rosenvinge, Samling af gamle danske Love. II. xliii-xliv. With facs.of fol. 87r:1-5.
- Kjer, Valdemars Sjællandske Lov. 114, 127-128, 214, 229-230, 233-234.
- Kålund, Katalog. II. 496.
- Skautrup, Danmarks gamle Landskabslove. V. xv-xvii.
- Thorsen, Nordiske Oldskrifter. XIII. 4-7, 11-19.
- Thorsen, Nordiske Oldskrifter. XIV. 4-11, 14-16.
- 1300
Providing country
- Czech Republic
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2022-06-01T10:48:37.209Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2022-06-10T11:28:07.931Z
Table of contents
- [Illegible]
- Mæth logh scal land byggæs. æn
- Fathær oc mothær æræ sʉn oc
- Kyʀki of wigh warthæʀ ma ey an
- Vm man faar athælkune, i.
- Fár man athælkunæ. tha hwat
- Vm hor.
- Takær bondæ annær man