
5 ways to get involved with Women's History Month on Europeana

March is Women's History Month and Europeanaeu is featuring inspiring women in history using cultural heritage material from institutions across Europe. Discover 5 ways to get involved

Aleksandra Strzelichowska (opens in new window) (Europeana Foundation)

1. Visit the Pioneers exhibition and nominate your own #WomanPioneer

Last year, together with Commissioner Mariya Gabriel we published the Pioneers exhibition, featuring trailblazing European women in the arts, sciences and society. If you haven’t visited it yet, it’s a great moment to do so. And if you have, and got inspired - think about your own Female Pioneer. It can be a historical figure or someone contemporary the world should know about and admire. Use this form below to nominate your #WomanPioneer


At the end of the month, we’ll present the results in an engaging way, so stay tuned! If you feel like joining the conversation on social media, use the hashtag #WomanPioneer.

2. From #5WomenArtists to #WomenInSTEM - read the stories of fascinating women on our blog

You have probably heard of the #5WomenArtists initiative by the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Of course, we participated in it celebrating female artists from across Europe. This year we’ll introduce you to even more innovative women from various disciplines. Next to artists, we’ll be talking about sportswomen, activists, travellers and early #WomenInSTEM. You’ll find all our blogs about women here.

3. Visit our galleries

In March, our #GalleryOfTheWeek series will explore themes related to women. Discover an interesting selection of images from cultural heritage institutions across Europe in our galleries every Monday. 

Artificial limb factory in Rome: six women working at benches, one using a sewing machine and one stitching the back of a full-length leg, Wellcome Library, CC-BY-NC

4. Widen your horizons by learning about women in history from our social media

If you have a free moment, check out our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds for posts about inspiring women. Think bite-size information, meaningful quotes and beautiful pictures helping you to learn something new in an easy way, every day.

5. Spread the word

We would love women’s historical contribution to knowledge, culture and society to be more visible and recognised. Cultural heritage has an important role in this – curating it and telling stories, we raise awareness about women’s role in society. Help us give more people a chance to discover and learn by sharing this message: