The animation depicts the changing colors of the sky, the moving clouds in front of an Icelandic landscape, the outlines of mountains as well as rock textures.

Animating an Icelandic midnight sunset

Beautiful GIF showcases Icelandic landscape

In May-July 2024, thirteen participants took part in the second edition of the Online Creative Residency from Europeana’s Digital Storytelling Festival. Liza Anesti created an animation based on an Icelandic landscape.

Liza Anesti

Exploring the theme of 'journey', participants worked with mentors in animation, social media, collage art, storytelling with 3D, and creative writing.

About the author

Who am I?

I am a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. During my studies, I focused on the reuse and restoration of the shells of old buildings and the need to use sustainable and local materials and techniques.

In addition, I designed and constructed the set design for some performances and did my internship as a set designer in Amsterdam. In terms of my working experience, I have worked as a junior landscape architect, especially on archaeological sites. I am currently experimenting with new storytelling techniques through illustration for children's books and stop-motion animation.

What is my project about?

The animated GIF I created during the Europeana Online Creative Residency is entitled ‘Midnight Sunset’ and is part of the residency's theme of ‘Journey’. For this short animation I was inspired by Icelandic landscapes, colours and textures. Through my trip to Iceland I observed the unique shapes and forms of the island, the contrasts and transitions of the colours of the sky and clouds, and the lines of the rocky masses that disappear into the horizon.

Why did I apply to the Digital Storytelling Festival Online Creative Residency?

I was interested in participating because I wanted to gain new storytelling skills through this creative process. In addition, I was excited by the opportunity to create with the guidance of an expert in a safe and supportive environment.

What have I got out of the residency?

Through the residency we had the opportunity to discuss the process of creating a GIF animation and familiarise ourselves with the software and the available collections of that we could use for our creations.

What will I do next?

I would like to keep creating GIFs and explore the creative possibilities of the archive.