
Breastfeeding heritage

Marking World Breastfeeding Week

black and white drawing of a woman breastfeeding a child
Beth Daley (opens in new window) (Europeana Foundation)

As long as there have been babies, which is quite a long time, there's been breastfeeding. This week is World Breastfeeding Week – coordinated by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action. In this blog, I look at imagery depicting breastfeeding in Europeana.

Portraits of breastfeeding

Nowadays, reports of photos of women breastfeeding their babies getting removed from social media with complaints of indecency are commonplace. And there's not a great deal of coverage (pun intended) in our art heritage either. From the many millions of cultural heritage items on Europeana, a search for 'breastfeeding' (and variants in other languages) returns just a few hundred results. But there are some really lovely images. Take a look.

advertisement showing a woman breastfeeding a child with words 'Nature's food is best'
black and white sketch of a woman breastfeeding a baby
Japanese illustration of two women, one is breastfeeding a child
small white statue of a woman breastfeeding a baby
black and white illustration of a woman breastfeeding a child, she is surrounded by other children
black and white photograph of a woman breastfeeding two babies

Breastfeeding technology from history

When required to express breastmilk these days, we use powerful electric pumps and, as adept multi-taskers, well-practised mums can just about manage to do it at the same time as shushing the baby back to sleep and building a Lego tower with their older sibling.

The Science Museum has an example of a breast pump from 1771-1830, which may have been used by a wet nurse. It's made of brass and glass, and I'm sure, if it were in my household, I'd be picking pieces of smashed glass out of the Lego faster than you could say 'pass me the pump'. Another version is made of glass and rubber. And finally, an even older bit of breastfeeding tech – wooden and beeswax nipple shields.

photograph of a breast pump made from glass and brass
colour photograph of a breast pump device, made from glass and rubber
colour photograph of two wooden nipple shields

Nursing mums need extra calories

When you're producing food for another human being, what you eat is important too.

Breastfeeding women need about an extra 500 calories a day. Foods like barley and oats are hailed as helping to increase milk production. You can make tasty things out of barley and oats. So spare a thought for nursing women of the past. This is an example of a clay tablet from the Milk Grotto in the holy city of Bethlehem – the site where Christians believe the Virgin Mary stopped to breastfeed Jesus as they fled to Egypt.

It contains a range of essential elements such as potassium, zinc and magnesium, and it's thought that pregnant and nursing women ate these stones in times of famine. I think I'd rather have a flapjack.

photograph of two round chalky discs

Advertising of first formula milk

For some, whether for personal preference, lack of support or complications that make it difficult, breastfeeding is not the way to go.

Here's an advertisement for an early kind of formula milk called rather unappetisingly 'Lactated Food', which contained wheat, barley, sugar of milk and 'the necessary bone-forming elements' (whatever they are!). From the chubby cheeks and the looks on their faces, it was clearly doing the job for these babies.

advertisement image showing five pictures of babies in various scenes and headline text 'brithday greetings'

Lactation of Saint Bernard

Here's one scenario breastfeeding mums might recognise... The Virgin Mary appears to a saint and squirts her milk at him whilst holding the baby Jesus. OK, so we've probably never squirted a saint, but plenty of us have accidentally sprayed someone who wasn't the intended recipient. In one version of this story, the Virgin Mary squirts her milk into St Bernard's eye and it cures an infection.

Sounds far-fetched? Not so much. Breast milk is often used to help soothe conjunctivitis.

page from a manuscript showing a woman breastfeeding a child, the milk is being sprayed into the eyes of a kneeling man beside her

Breastfeeding beyond babies

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and then supplemented breastfeeding for at least one year and up to two years or more.

But of course, if there is milk available, you don't have to be a child to take it – see the story of St Bernard above. And in these images depicting a story from ancient Rome, Pero breastfeeds her father Cimon to assuage his hunger after he has been imprisoned and sentenced to death by starvation.

black and white etching of a woman breastfeeding an older man
black and white image of a woman breastfeeding a man