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Irish Manuscripts Commission

Sitio web

National Inventory of Architectural Heritage

National Inventory of Architectural Heritage

National Inventory of Architectural Heritage

National Inventory of Architectural Heritage

National Inventory of Architectural Heritage

National Inventory of Architectural Heritage

National Inventory of Architectural Heritage

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee on Bribery, Corruption, and Intimidation at Elections.

The Oireachtas Library & Research Service

Cloncurry, Valentine Browne Lawless, Baron, 1773-1853.

The Oireachtas Library & Research Service

Milner, John, 1752-1826.

The Oireachtas Library & Research Service

Trotter, John Bernard, 1775-1818.

The Oireachtas Library & Research Service

Friend to the peace and prosperity of Ireland.; Prior, Thomas, 1682?-1751.; Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745.

The Oireachtas Library & Research Service

Cox, Richard, Sir, 1702-1766.

The Oireachtas Library & Research Service

Ireland. Parliament. House of Commons.

The Oireachtas Library & Research Service

Scobell, Henry, -1660.; Dopping, Anthony, 1643-1697.

The Oireachtas Library & Research Service

Knox, William, 1732-1810.

The Oireachtas Library & Research Service

Jebb, Frederick.; Wray, Cecil, Sir, 1734-1805.

The Oireachtas Library & Research Service

Jebb, Richard, 1766-1834

The Oireachtas Library & Research Service

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