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Gregorio Magno

64.° Papa de la Iglesia Católica

Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage

Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage

Leipzig University Library


The Hunt Museum

Grzegorz I (Pope; around 540-604)

Library of the Wroclaw University

Pseudo-Anselmus Cantuariensis; Grzegorz I (Pope; around 540-604)

Library of the Wroclaw University

Grzegorz I (Pope; around 540-604); Pseudo-Bernardus Claraevallensis; Hildebert (Archbishop of Tours; 1056? -1133); …

Library of the Wroclaw University

Gregory I, Pope

Baden State Library

University Library Freiburg

University Library Freiburg

Gregory the Great

The British Library

Gregory the Great

The British Library

Gregory the Great

The British Library