144 resultados dentro de Persona Lorenzo da Ponte

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Lorenzo da Ponte

Poeta y libretista italiano

W.A. Mozart; Lorenzo da Ponte; Nicolai Christian Levin Abrahams

State and University Library

National Library of the Czech Republic

Gramophone Company; His Master's Voice

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

German Grammophone; Da Ponte, Lorenzo; De Garmo, Harry

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

International Talking Machine Company; Hafgren, Lilly

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Nast, Minnie

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Favorite Records; Da Ponte, Lorenzo; Luria, Juan

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Company; His Master's Voice

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Beka Records; Da Ponte, Lorenzo

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Odeon Record; Da Ponte, Lorenzo; Bosetti, Hermione

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Beka Records; Da Ponte, Lorenzo

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Lorenzo Da Ponte

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

Bavarian State Library