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Provincia de Italia
Grosseto Mussolini overlooking the balcony of the\ "Palazzo del Governo\" in Grosseto
Cinecittà - Luce
Grosseto the greeting of Mussolini from the central balcony of the\ "Palazzo del Governo\"…
Cinecittà - Luce
Grosseto the speech of Mussolini from the top of the\ "Palazzo del Governo\" in Grosseto
Cinecittà - Luce
Grosseto Mussolini speaks to the crowd from above the\ "Palace of the\\ government" in Gro…
Cinecittà - Luce
Grosseto Mussolini, overlooking the central balcony of the\ "Palazzo del Governo\" in Gros…
Cinecittà - Luce
Grosseto crowd of citizens, gathered in front of the\ "Palazzo del Governo\" in Piazza Umb…
Cinecittà - Luce
Grosseto two peasants examine the certificates of agricultural poderos awarded to them by …
Cinecittà - Luce
Grosseto the greeting of Mussolini from the top of the\ "Palazzo del Governo\" in Grosseto
Cinecittà - Luce
Grosseto the speech of Mussolini from the top of the\ "Palazzo del Governo\" in Grosseto
Cinecittà - Luce
Grosseto crowd of citizens gathered in front of the government building in Piazza Umberto …
Cinecittà - Luce
Grosseto crowd of black shirts and citizens, gathered in front of the\ "Palazzo del Govern…
Cinecittà - Luce
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