3909 resultados dentro de Tema Mezquita

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Lugar de culto para los seguidores de la fe islámica

Dumitru Florin Dumitru (photographer)

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

CPCS (photographer)

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

Veria Central Public Library

Albert Gustaf Edelfelt

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Heidelberg University Library

Heidelberg University Library

United Archives / Walter Rudolph

United Archives

United Archives / Walter Rudolph

United Archives

United Archives / Walter Rudolph

United Archives

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

Public Library Pencho Slaveykov, Varna

Heins, IJ.Th.

Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands

Heins, IJ.Th.

Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands

Iser, Iosif

National Museum of Art of Romania

Göran Schildt

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Göran Schildt

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland