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Shark Bone Ring
3D model of a shark bone ring. During excavation, over 70 vertebrae from the porbeagle shark, Lamna nasus, were found, nearly all between the Choir and central nave of the church. Like this seen here, these bones had been worked on and shaped into rings. They are probably the rings on which hung the curtain that church audits described at this location. In the old days, porbeagle shark bones were …
- cineg
- Cultural Heritage & History
- hueso
- material animal
- anillos (género de objeto)
- cubiertas y colgaduras
- Producto animal
Tipo de ítem
- 3D
- cineg
- Cultural Heritage & History
- hueso
- material animal
- anillos (género de objeto)
- cubiertas y colgaduras
- Producto animal
Tipo de ítem
- 3D
Proveedor de datos
Declaración de derechos de los medios en este Ítem (a menos que se especifique lo contrario)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
Fecha de creación
- 2018
- 2018
- 16th century CE
- Skriðuklaustur Monastery
- Digitisation by Open Virtual Worlds, a research team within the School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, in cooperation with the Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute at Skriðuklaustur and the National Museum of Iceland. 3D digitisation was done by Catherine Cassidy and Iain Oliver with archaeological assistance provided by Skúli Gunnarsson. ; Photogrammetry
- share3d:1002
- share3d:1002
- glTF
- English
- eng
forma parte de
- Share3D
- United Kingdom
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/shark-bone-ring-a86d5dd820da4c45aca690fdc64227d4
- 2018
País proveedor
- United Kingdom
Nombre de la colección
Publicado por primera vez en Europeana
- 2023-02-03T10:13:06.494Z
Última actualización por parte del Proveedor de datos
- 2023-11-20T14:03:24.199Z
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