Weibliche Karrieren im höheren Schuldienst: Bewährungsmythen, beruflicher Aufstieg und pädagogische Professionalität in den 1960er und 1990er Jahren
Female careers in the teaching profession in secondary school: myths of 'proving one's worth', professional advancement and pedagogical professionalism in the 1960s and 1990s
'Focusing on the gendered segregation found on the head teacher level, the present contribution seeks to explain, in a perspective of social change across the last decades, the differential participation of women in head teacher positions in the German Gymnasium. As a starting point, the 1960s are highlighted as a unique historical situation with an uncommonly high rate of female head teachers. Wi…
- Hoff, Walburga
- Social sciences, sociology, anthropology
- Education
- Macroanalysis of the Education System, Economics of Education, Educational Policy
- Women's Studies, Feminist Studies, Gender Studies
- gender studies
- civil service executive level
- professionalization
- Federal Republic of Germany
- social actor
- historical development
- …
- Estudios de género
- Escuela
- Educación
Tipo de ítem
- Zeitschriftenartikel
- Hoff, Walburga
- Social sciences, sociology, anthropology
- Education
- Macroanalysis of the Education System, Economics of Education, Educational Policy
- Women's Studies, Feminist Studies, Gender Studies
- gender studies
- civil service executive level
- professionalization
- Federal Republic of Germany
- social actor
- historical development
- …
- Estudios de género
- Escuela
- Educación
Tipo de ítem
- Zeitschriftenartikel
Proveedor de datos
Declaración de derechos de los medios en este Ítem (a menos que se especifique lo contrario)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. Bibliothek Köln
Fecha de creación
- 2006
- 2006
- Status: Veröffentlichungsversion; begutachtet
- Zeitschrift für qualitative Bildungs-, Beratungs- und Sozialforschung, 7(1)
- oai:gesis.izsoz.de:document/27808
- http://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/handle/document/27808
- urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-278086
- http://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/bitstream/handle/document/27808/ssoar-zbbs-2006-1-hoff-weibliche_karrieren_im_hoheren_schuldienst.pdf?sequence=1
- http://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/item/4Q4TSXHFJRCHD4IHXOHVL6OES3MBF7RJ
- Seite(n): 93-114
- application/pdf
- ger
- deu
- 2006
País proveedor
- Germany
Nombre de la colección
Publicado por primera vez en Europeana
- 2022-01-20T22:32:50.043Z
Última actualización por parte del Proveedor de datos
- 2022-01-20T22:32:50.043Z