engraver from "The Rhine, from its source to the sea. Translated from the German [of Carl Stieler, H. Wachenhausen, and F. W. Hackländer] by G. C. T. Bartley ... With ... illustrations. New and revised edition".
This image has been taken from scan 000071 from "The Rhine, from its source to the sea. Translated from the German [of Carl Stieler, H. Wachenhausen, and F. W. Hackländer] by G. C. T. Bartley ... With ... illustrations. New and revised edition". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the British Library's flickr photostream.
- J. S. Virtue and Co.
- engraver
- Matthäus Merian der Ältere
- Grabador
Tipo de ítem
- scanned image
- 1888, [1887]
- J. S. Virtue and Co.
- engraver
- Matthäus Merian der Ältere
- Grabador
Tipo de ítem
- scanned image
- 1888, [1887]
Proveedor de datos
Declaración de derechos de los medios en este Ítem (a menos que se especifique lo contrario)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- London
- 003085316_v0p000071
- http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/data/sounds/http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2888/11291473416_b72d8b48d8_o.jpg
- 1242x962px
forma parte de
- The Rhine, from its source to the sea. Translated from the German [of Carl Stieler, H. Wachenhausen, and F. W. Hackländer] by G. C. T. Bartley ... With ... illustrations. New and revised edition
- British Library HMNTS 10107.g.8.
País proveedor
- United Kingdom
Nombre de la colección
Publicado por primera vez en Europeana
- 2024-12-20T15:01:39.465Z
Última actualización por parte del Proveedor de datos
- 2024-12-20T15:01:39.465Z