Composite manuscript, four parts (Latin, Dutch): 1. (ff. 1-30) Chronographia / Johannes de Beke. - 2. (ff. 32-42) Contra Iudaeos / Nicholas of Lyra. - And other part(s)
Chronicon Episcoporum Trajectensium et Comitum Hollandiae
Contra Iudaeos
Tractatus contra quendam Judeaeum impugnatorem evangelii sec. Matthaeum
Chronicon sive gesta pontificum Traiectensium et principum Hollandiae
Chronicon Egmundanum
Historia destructionis Troiae
Part 1: pen-flourished initials
- Johannes de Beke
- Guido delle Colonne
- Nicolás de Lira
- Guido delle Colonne
- historiography (MMDC)
- medieval theology/philosophy (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture (urban)
- Reading culture
Tipo de ítem
- manuscritos
- Manuscrito
- Part 1: Parchment
- Part 2: Parchment
- Part 3: Parchment
- Part 4: Parchment
- pergamino (material animal)
- Pergamino
- Johannes de Beke
- Guido delle Colonne
- Nicolás de Lira
- Guido delle Colonne
- historiography (MMDC)
- medieval theology/philosophy (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture (urban)
- Reading culture
Tipo de ítem
- manuscritos
- Manuscrito
- Part 1: Parchment
- Part 2: Parchment
- Part 3: Parchment
- Part 4: Parchment
- pergamino (material animal)
- Pergamino
Proveedor de datos
Proveedor intermediario
Declaración de derechos de los medios en este Ítem (a menos que se especifique lo contrario)
Fecha de creación
- Part 1: [third quarter 14th century]
- Parts 2-3: [middle 14th century]
- Part 4: [14th century]
- 1300-1400
- siglo XIV
- 1300/1400
- Siglo XIV
- Part 1: Northern Netherlands, Holland
- Parts 2-3: Netherlands
- Part 4: Netherlands
- Países Bajos
- Bélgica
- Bélgica
- Organización de las Naciones Unidas
Ubicación actual
- Leiden University Library
- Exchanged for BPL 10 with the library of Breslau in 1942.
- Owned by (and probably produced for) Philips van Leiden (Philippus a Leydis), a 14th-century jurist and diplomat whose library is well documented in his testament. - The ownership of Rehdiger is based on the coats of arms tooled on the binding.
- Philips van Leiden, (ca. 1328-1382)
- Rehdiger, Thomas
- Shelfmark: BPL 2429
- 1 volume, 121 leaves
- Part 1: ff. 1-30
- Part 2: ff. 31-41
- Part 3: ff. 42-59
- Part 4: ff. 60-121
- Part 1: 289x217 mm
- Part 2: 290x216 mm
- Part 3: 287x218 mm
- Part 4: 288x214 mm
- libros
- Libro
- lat
- Latin
- dut
- Dutch
- nld
- lat
forma parte de
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Bibliotheca Publica Latina
es referenciado por
- BNM = Bibliotheca Neerlandica Manuscripta
- Bouwman & 2008 = A. Bouwman & E. van der Vlist, 'Van schrijven naar drukken. Het Leidse boek van begin tot Beleg'. In: A. Bouwman & al., Stad van boeken. Handschrift en druk in Leiden, 1260-2000. Leiden 2008, p. 1-151, p. 108 (ill.), 110, 112 (ill.), 149 (n. 189)
- Bruch 1976 = H. Bruch, 'De plaats van het Chronicon Egmundanum in de Hollandse geschiedschrijving'. In: Holland 8 (1976), p. 204-206, i.c. p. 206
- Burgers 1997 = J.W.J. Burgers, 'Allinus, grafelijke kapelaan en Egmondse geschiedschrijver'. In: G.N.M. Vis (ed.), In het spoor van Egbert. Hilversum 1997.
- Feenstra 1994 = R. Feenstra, Philips van Leyden en zijn bibliotheek. Leiden 1994.
- Gumbert 2009 = J.P. Gumbert, Illustrated Inventory of Medieval Manuscripts. Vol. 2. Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek BPL (Hilversum 2009), nr. 1579-1582
- Gumbert-Hepp & 2007 = M. Gumbert-Hepp & J.P. Gumbert, Annalen van Egmond. Hilversum 2007.
- Hulshoff Pol 1975 = E. Hulshoff Pol, 'The Library'. In: Th.H. Lunsingh Scheurleer & G.H.M. Posthumus Meyes (eds.), Leiden University in the seventeenth centrury. An exchange of learning. Leiden 1975, p. 395-459, i.c. n. 2
- Leupen 1975 = P.H.D. Leupen, Filips van Leiden. Een onderzoek naar ontstaan, vorm en inhoud van zijn traktaat 'De cura reipublicae et sorte principantis'. [Ph.D. Amsterdam GU]. Amsterdam 1975.
- Levelt 2011 = S. Levelt, Jan van Naaldwijk's chronicles of Holland. Continuity and transformation in the historical tradition of Holland during the early sixteenth century. Hilversum 2011, p. 30 (ill. 1)
- …
ha conocido a
- Filips van Leiden
País proveedor
- Netherlands
Nombre de la colección
Publicado por primera vez en Europeana
- 2021-10-22T13:31:20.767Z
Última actualización por parte del Proveedor de datos
- 2024-02-28T18:55:56.900Z
Tabla de contenido
- Part 1 contains: (ff. 1r-30r) Chronicon sive gesta pontificum Traiectensium et principum Hollandiae / Johannes de Beke.
- Part 2 contains: (ff. 32r-36v) Contra Iudaeos / Nicholas of Lyra. - (f. 41r) Note on the occurences in the town of Leiden in 1362.
- Part 3 contains: (ff. 42r-57r) List of the counts of Holland (up to Willem II) and the abbots of the monastery of Egmond and some excerpts of charters concerning the same monastery. - (f. 58r) Request, in Dutch, made to Willem V, count of Holland - (ff. 58r-59v) Copy of a charter, in Dutch, for the town of Weesp (20-5-1355).
- Part 4 contains: (ff. 60r-121v) Historia destructionis Troiae / Guido de Columnis.