207 tulemust jaotises Isik Mary Stuart

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Mary Stuart

Queen of Scotland from 1542 to 1567

Jones and Company (Production) (Publisher)

Leipzig University Library

Mary; Mary (May) Morris; Mary (May) Morris (Designer)

Victoria and Albert Museum

Gebrüder Schumann (Production) (Publisher)

Berlin State Library

Jacobus Houbraken; Knapton (Production) (Publisher)

Berlin State Library

Francis I; Mary, Queen of Scots; Smyth, W H, Captain; …

Archaeology Data Service

Francis I; Mary, Queen of Scots; Smyth, W H, Captain; …

Archaeology Data Service

Société des bibliophiles bretons.

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

Friedrich Wilhelm. Genthe

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

William Bernard Ullathorne

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford


Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford


Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford


Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford