367 tulemust jaotises Isik Hans Sachs

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Hans Sachs

German meistersinger ("mastersinger"), poet, playwright and shoemaker

Ernst Ludwig Riepenhausen

Leipzig University Library

Hans Sachs

Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute

Bauhaus University Weimar. University Library


National Library of the Czech Republic


National Library of the Czech Republic

Germanisches National Museum

Herzog August Library

Herzog August Library

Schütz, B. F. von (Production) (Zeichner)

Herzog August Library

Kluge, Moritz Edwin

Berlin State Library

Häberlin, Carl von

Berlin State Library

Berlin State Library

Berlin State Library

Ostendorfer, Michael

Berlin State Library

Holm, F. (Production) (Stecher)

Berlin State Library

German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index

Hans Sachs

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

Reffler, Paul (tätig 1560-1580); Verlag




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