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The Heartless Wife
A Flash of Light
The chemist John Rogers marries Belle, despite the fact that her older sister is truly the one who is in love with him. Belle is a frivolous type of person, and does not like her husband's work. When an explosion makes him blind and deaf, she leaves him. Because Belle's sister loves John, she takes her sister’s place, and pretends to be John’s wife. After an eye operation, John is once again able …
- Stanner E.V. Taylor
- G.W. Bitzer
- Biograph (Verenigde Staten)
- Stanner E.V. Taylor
- Stanner E.V. Taylor
- Billy Bitzer
- D.W. Griffith
- D. W. Griffith
- 18 juli 1910
- blinden
- ongevallen
Üksuse liik
- motion pictures (visual works)
- Film
- Stanner E.V. Taylor
- G.W. Bitzer
- Biograph (Verenigde Staten)
- Stanner E.V. Taylor
- Stanner E.V. Taylor
- Billy Bitzer
- D.W. Griffith
- D. W. Griffith
- 18 juli 1910
- blinden
- ongevallen
Üksuse liik
- motion pictures (visual works)
- Film
Pakkuja institutsioon
Selles üksuses sisalduva meedia õiguste avaldus (kui pole teisiti märgitud)
Loomise kuupäev
- 1910
- 1910
- cat21482
- cat21482
On osa
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
- 1910
Pakkuja riik
- Netherlands
Kollektsiooni nimi
Esimest korda avaldati Europeana
- 2016-06-28T12:52:56.766Z
Viimati andmeid pakkuvast institutsioonist uuendatud
- 2022-03-09T11:11:12.389Z
Avastage seotud kogud
Avastage seotud üksused
Institute of Material Culture of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
Institute of Material Culture of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
Institute of Material Culture of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period