Orrialdearen edukietara joan
Partekatu zure bildumak
Saioa hasi / Sartu
19.927 emaitza barruan Antolaketa
19.927 emaitza itzuli dira
Zerrenda ikuspegia
Lauki-sare ikuspegia
Mosaiko ikuspegia
Ez dago emaitza gehiagorik zure bilaketarako.
Gehiago ikasi
Fotografie: Besuch von US-Verteidigungsminister Caspar Weinberger in West-Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Fotografie: Besuch von US-Außenminister James Baker in West-Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: US President Ronald Reagan visits West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: US President Ronald Reagan visits West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: US President Ronald Reagan visits West Berlin
Allied Museum
Fotografie: Besuch von US-Außenminister Alexander Haig in West-Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Official passage of John Kornblum, US envoy in West Berlin
Allied Museum
Fotografie: Antrittsbesuch von General de Division François Cann, französischer Stadtkomma…
Allied Museum
Fotografie: Antrittsbesuch von General de Division François Cann, französischer Stadtkomma…
Allied Museum
Fotografie: Antrittsbesuch von General de Division François Cann, französischer Stadtkomma…
Allied Museum
Photograph: Unveiling of the monument to General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben at Cl…
Allied Museum
Photograph: US President Ronald Reagan visits West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Unveiling of the monument to General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben at Cl…
Allied Museum
Photograph: Unveiling of the monument to General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben at Cl…
Allied Museum
Photograph: Unveiling of the monument to General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben at Cl…
Allied Museum
Photograph: Unveiling of the monument to General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben at Cl…
Allied Museum
Photograph: Unveiling of the monument to General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben at Cl…
Allied Museum
Emaitza gehigarriak ez dira erakusten lehen 1000 emaitza garrantzitsuenak bakarrik erakusten baitira. Ez baduzu aurkitu bilatzen ari zarena, kontuan hartu bilaketa hobetzea.
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