162.105 emaitza barruan Antolaketa Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität Berlin

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Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität Berlin

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Gropius & Schmieden

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Oscar Grothe (geb. 1871)

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Messel & Altgelt

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

San Micheli Wolkenstein (1873-1910)

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Joh. Caspar Gude; Ernst Fähling

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Rudolf Wilhelm Gottgetreu (1821-1890, als Zeichner)

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Böhmer & Petrich

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Konrad Niermann; Uhlmann

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Georg Diestel (1854-1926, als Architekt); Adalbert Metzing (1855-1912, als Bauführer)

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Ferdinand Schwarz

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology

Messel & Altgelt

Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology