195 emaitza barruan Lekua Tours

195 emaitza itzuli dira

Ez dago emaitza gehiagorik zure bilaketarako.


Frantziako udalerria

Albert Gustaf Edelfelt

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Heidelberg University Library

Heidelberg University Library

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Ludwig der Fromme (813/814-840) (prayer)

Fine Arts Museum Vienna

Ludwig IX (1226-1270) (prayer)

Fine Arts Museum Vienna

Ludwig III (876-882) (Prayer)

Fine Arts Museum Vienna

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France

Charles II (0823-0877; king of the Franks). Authority issuing alleged coins

National Library of France