emaitza barruan
Frantziako udalerria
by the Archbishop of Cambray; Salignac de La Mothe, François de Fénelon, (1651-1715)
Octavian Goga Cluj County Library
Heidelberg University Library
Heidelberg University Library
Hispania Epigraphica Online
National Library of France
National Library of France
Gringora, Pierre (1475? -1538?). Author of the text
National Library of France
National Library of France
Francis I (1494-1547; King of France). Author of the text; France. Author of the text
National Library of France
Rabelais, François (1494? -1553). Author of the text
National Library of France
National Library of France
Petrarca, Francesco (1304-1374). Author of the text; Lapini, Bernardo (14. -14.). Author of the text; Serpin, Jean. Enlighter
National Library of France
Jacques de Voragine (1228? -1298). Author of the text
National Library of France
Église catholique. Auteur du texte
National Library of France
National Library of France
National Library of France
Garcie, Pierre (1430?-15..). Auteur du texte
National Library of France
Fregoso, Antonio (1444?-1512?). Auteur du texte
National Library of France
National Library of France
France. Parlement de Rouen. Auteur du texte
National Library of France
Ovide (0043 av. J.-C.-0017). Auteur du texte
National Library of France
Tixier de Ravisi, Jean (1480?-1524). Auteur du texte
National Library of France