Radlic dairy
The Radlice dairy Plant
A short acted shot showing the old hygienic unfriendly way of selling milk in the streets is followed by new shots from the Radlice dairy Plant in Smíchov, Prague. We can follow the first production stage, i.e. pasturing cows and women manually milking the cows. Trains are bringing milk from almost the whole territory of the Czech Republic to the Smíchov Railway Station.
Lorries then transpor…
Elementu hau National Film Archive k hornitu eta mantentzen du
- Prokůpek Julius Praha
- machine room
- dairy industry
- The Radlice Dairy Plant
- laboratory milk test
- homogenization device
- boiler room
- cows
- production of cottage cheese
- cooling device
- bacteria (drawings)
- …
Elementu mota
- documentary film
- motion pictures (visual works)
- Film dokumental
- Film
- Prokůpek Julius Praha
- machine room
- dairy industry
- The Radlice Dairy Plant
- laboratory milk test
- homogenization device
- boiler room
- cows
- production of cottage cheese
- cooling device
- bacteria (drawings)
- …
Elementu mota
- documentary film
- motion pictures (visual works)
- Film dokumental
- Film
Erakunde hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- Národní filmový archiv
Sortze data
- 1926
- 1926
- 0060259
- 0060259
- cs
- ces
Honen parte da
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
- 1926
Herrialde hornitzailea
- Czech Republic
Bildumaren izena
Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2013-12-19T13:00:32.589Z
Erakunde hornitzaileak azken aldiz eguneratu du
- 2022-07-20T09:08:13.405Z
Ezagutu erlazionatutako bildumak
Ezagutu erlazionatutako elementuak
R Smith; A Sharpe
Archaeology Data Service
R Smith; A Sharpe
Archaeology Data Service