Ċittadella, Gozo
The fortified town of the Ċittadella stands in the
geographical centre of Gozo, Malta's sister island. It is built on a natural flat-topped
hill, with the town of Victoria, also known as Rabat, sprawling at the foot of the hill
to its south and east. This vantage point was obviously chosen by Gozo’s early
inhabitants because it was a naturally fortif…
Elementu mota
- cathedral cities
Elementu mota
- cathedral cities
Erakunde hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- 3D model copyright Heritage Malta
Aldi baterako
- ca.1500 BCE - present
- #Cittadella_Gozo
- 18km2
erreferentzia egin da
- https://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/981/
Herrialde hornitzailea
- Malta
Bildumaren izena
Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2024-01-18T21:00:37.627Z
Erakunde hornitzaileak azken aldiz eguneratu du
- 2024-03-06T13:03:38.080Z