Andalusian dance The Filoscope
Red metal chassis with 189 B/W photographic images placed inside tabs. The filoscope, which is also called a flick book or flip book, was a novelty item to animate a drawn or photographic image. It was patented by the English printer John Barnes Linnett in 1868 under the name kineograph. It consisted of a set of cards, on each of which an image of a phase of a movement was reproduced. Bound or gro…
Elementu mota
- Filoscope
Erakunde hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
Sortze data
- 1898
- 1898
- 7,3 cm (width) 8 cm (length) 2,2 cm (height)
Honen parte da
- EUreka3D
- 1898
Herrialde hornitzailea
- Spain
Bildumaren izena
Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2024-11-18T09:57:19.836Z
Erakunde hornitzaileak azken aldiz eguneratu du
- 2024-11-22T07:50:19.338Z