United behind the line adopted by the 12th Plenum of the Greek Communist Party (KKE) Central Committee
- Greek Communist Party (KKE)
- Greek Communist Party (KKE) / Plenum of the Central Committee (12th)
- Greek Communist Party (KKE) / Plenary sessions of the Central Committee
- Farakos Grigoris
- International communist movement
- Greek Communist Party (KKE) / Splintering
- Marxism - Leninism
- Partsalidis Mitsos ('Moas')
- Partsalidis Mitsos
- Communism
- Politics
- Marxism
- Political parties
- Farakos Grigoris
- Politicians
- Komunismo
Elementu mota
- Archival Document
- Leaflet
- Panfleto
- Greek Communist Party (KKE)
- Greek Communist Party (KKE) / Plenum of the Central Committee (12th)
- Greek Communist Party (KKE) / Plenary sessions of the Central Committee
- Farakos Grigoris
- International communist movement
- Greek Communist Party (KKE) / Splintering
- Marxism - Leninism
- Partsalidis Mitsos ('Moas')
- Partsalidis Mitsos
- Communism
- Politics
- Marxism
- Political parties
- Farakos Grigoris
- Politicians
- Komunismo
Elementu mota
- Archival Document
- Leaflet
- Panfleto
Erakunde hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Sortze data
- 04/1968
- 1968-04
Aldi baterako
- Military junta
- Belgium / Liège
- Liège
- Liège
- Lieja
- Belgika
- United Nations
- 00015
- https://www.searchculture.gr/aggregator/edm/dig_ASKI/000171-112114
- 24 σ.
- gre
- ell
erreferentzia egiten du
- Farakos Grigoris
- Partsalidis Mitsos ('Moas')
Herrialde hornitzailea
- Greece
Bildumaren izena
Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2024-11-18T17:15:38.105Z
Erakunde hornitzaileak azken aldiz eguneratu du
- 2024-11-18T17:15:38.105Z